NICU admissions

Benefits of Kanagroo care in the NICU.

Historically, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurses have routinely focused care on the medical aspect of care for their infants. Research has shown that encouraging parents to perform Kangaroo Care, a form of Skin to Skin care, in the NICU improves outcomes in the infant and promotes bonding with the parents (Cho et al., 2016).

Kangaroo care has been shown to positively affect respiration rate and weight gain in infants who received this care compared to infants who did not (Cho et al., 2016).

Kangaroo care has a positive effect on maternal bonding as well. Cho et al., (2016) reported that mothers confidence in infant care grew and their comfort level around the medical equipment improved; by reducing maternal stress, natural bonding process are nurtured and protected.

Photo Credit: Sathishsugavanam27 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Mothers are not the only ones that can participate in Kangaroo care, fathers can participate as well. Allowing the father to participate fosters paternal bonding as well as sharing in the care of the infant, especially when the mother is unable. Dads can participate too. Infants and dad benefit.

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Infants are considered immunocompromised and need to be protected. Infants have understimulated immune systems and lungs transitioning from birth. Infants born by c-section tend to have increased risk for respiratory distress (more likely to have longer transition); OR can release aerosolized particles. The CDC recommends that COVID suspected or positive mothers and infants be separated to prevent transmission to the infant, however, if she is asymptomatic, she has the option of rooming-in with the infant; if permitted, the mother must wash hands prior to and wear a mask when feeding or holding the infant (CDC, 2020).

Because of social distancing restrictions, mothers report increased feelings of anxiety. The following video vignettes demonstrate some of the stress experienced by parents having babies during a pandemic.

Video Credit: ABC13 News Houston. Anxiety and depression increase among new moms during COVID.

Video Credit: ABC News, Nightline. 4 families share their journeys to parenthood during COVID-19 crisis.

Covid-19 has caused mother-infant/family separation from hospital. Nurses can be innovative in finding ways to support bonding using technology for the parents. The following story illustrates the another aspect of maternal-infant separation and creative interventions.

For Part 2, please follow this hyperlink:

Video Credit: ABC News, Nightline. 4 families share their journeys to parenthood during COVID-19 crisis (cont).

Photo Credit: ABC News.